Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Practicality Of Loving What Is

It is quite a delight to witness the same thing being said in different ways. I was at a Satsang recently with Peter Brown, the and Peter was, in his own words, speaking what Tom writes and quotes Byron Katie as saying.

I suspect that most of the teachers listed at this link would concur.

I find that it is much easier for "me" to just experience the outside world and other people as simply "suchness" without judgement, than it is to do this with events in "my" own life.

It is where I think I can change something that more judgment comes in. Do other readers of this blog experience this? Perhaps we judge as an attempt to take action and change something, and yet as Karl Renz points out our very struggle to change something increases it.

Our reactions to George Bush creates a bigger George Bush. I find myself pondering, at times, if this is what Jesus was referring to when he said that if you try to cast out one spirit, ten more come.

Perhaps Byron Katie's path of Loving What Is, is the quickest path to having more of what we want.

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