Friday, October 12, 2007


Well, if the discussion is going to turn to suchness, I feel I could do no better than to quote The Great Sage of the East on the subject:

"Idama is very significant; it means thisness, suchness, is-ness. To be in the present, to be now and to be here and nowhere else--that is the moment when bliss arises. And to live in suchness means that whatsover happens, accept it, drop rejecting. Even if you are feeling sad, accept it; live in that suchness. One is sad, so one relaxes into one's sadness; and immediately the quality changes. Then sadness starts having a beauty, a depth, a joy. It looks contradictory, but try, and you will be surprised: if you accept sadness, if you enjoy the flavor of it, soon you are celebrating it.

"Whatsover happens is good. It can't be otherwise, because behind everything is God's hand.

"So live in total acceptance; that is the meaning of suchness. And never go beyond this, because once you go beyond this, the mind arises, thoughts arise.

"If one can live in the present with total acceptance, bliss is bound to happen."

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